

Where do chem trails come from?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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Q: Where do chem trails come from?
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Are they poisinous chemicals in cover-up?

Without a doubt. They are called 'chem-trails' and we are being constantly sprayed curtesy of the United States* government. We are bombarded with heavy metals and other nasty poisons under the guise of weather control and other beneficial things. These chem-trails are very easy to spot. Initially they look like 'con-trails', harmless vapor from legitimate aircraft. But con-trails disappear rather quickly while chem-trails hang for quite a while and spread out instead of disappearing. If you look up and your sky looks like tic-tac-toe the chances are good you are being sprayed. If you see these trails overhead send a letter to your state representative or anyone else who will listen. Good luck. *The US government is not the only perpetrators of these horrendous crimes against their own citizens. Most NATO countries are also on the chem-trail bandwagon. Type chem-trail into your computer and see what pops up. You will get thousands of hits.

Why do they spray con trails and chem trails?

They do not spray con-trails. Con-trails are an atmospheric trail that forms when plane exhaust is so cold, it freezes and thaws, forming a trail.The purpose of chem-trails is to lower the immune system of every day people. They are used for the New World Order, which is a world-wide order stating that the world's government will bring down Earth's human population to approximately 2 billion people. Although there are different kinds of C.T.s. There are some that spray flu virus', some that lower your immune system (for the flu virus) and some that cause (acid) rain.

Why is the governments spraying chemtrails on us?

The belief in chemtrails is a conspiracy theory. Governments are not spraying chemicals on the population. Contrails, formed when hot airplane exhaust mixes with cold air, can sometimes linger and spread across the sky, leading to misunderstandings.

What is the purpose of chem-trails?

The purpose of chem-trails is to lower the immune system of every day people. They are used for the New World Order, which is a world-wide order stating that the world's government will bring down Earth's human population to approximately 2 billion people. Although there are different kinds of C.T.s. There are some that spray flu virus', some that lower your immune system (for the flu virus) and some that cause (acid) rain.

Is human race heading towards a mass reduction of population?

by the looks of it yet.there are chem trails being sprayed into the air. those trails contain a high level of barium witch lowers the immune system of a human.they are also putting mercury into vaccination shots. this kills people!

What are chem-trails and are they used in the US to the detriment of health to people that live there?

Chemtrails refer to the conspiracy theory that trails left behind by aircraft are actually chemicals or biological agents dispersed for harmful purposes. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, and mainstream scientific consensus states that these trails are simply condensation trails formed by water vapor in aircraft exhaust.

Are chemtrails extraterresstrial?

No. Chem trails are our word's own government. The purpose of chem trails is to lower the immune system of every day people. They are used for the New World Order, which is a world wide order stating that the world's government will bring down Earth's human population to approximately 2 billion people. Although there are different kinds of C.T.s. There are some that spray flu virus', some that lower your immune system (for the flu virus) and some that cause (acid) rain.

Is it true that aliens are stealing our technology and calling it their own and that they need the chem-trails to reflect the spectrum of light so they can TASTE the rainbow through chamlong energy?

Pretty much, but you missed the cow fetish.

What is a good website to find an MSDS?

Just type in the chem name msds & they will come up.

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Toney Chem's birth name is Tony Chem.

When does Nancy Drew Trails of the Twisters come out?

Trail of the Twister might come out in June/July 2010.

When was Chem Widhya born?

Chem Widhya was born in 1958.