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Each team must line up behind the front line of their respective end zones. Once the disc is thrown, they can break their lines and run wherever they want. It is also recommended and respectable to line up and then not switch places in line. This is because sometimes players play defense using a man to man defense and choose their man by picking the player straight across from them in line.

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Q: When starting a game after a team scores where must the team line up in Ultimate Frisbee?
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How many players on each side in a typical game in ultimate frisbee?

It is typically seven versus seven in a typical game of Ultimate Frisbee.

What is the objective of the game of ultimate Frisbee?

to win

When and where was the game of Ultimate Frisbee develop?

at a college

What is the name of the frisbee game involving body contact?

Ultimate Frisbee also referred to as 'Guts' sometimes

Where did the drinking game beer frisbee originate?

A thirsty ultimate player A thirsty ultimate player

What is The Spirit of the Game in ultimate frisbee?

The spirit of the game in ultimate Frisbee is that you follow the rules and play fair. Since there are no referees in ultimate, is is up to the players to call their own fouls and travels. Spirit of the game is that you will not cheat and you will go out their and play fairly. After the game, you will be respectful and not brag or boast.

Who is credited for inventing the game of Ultimate Frisbee?

Jared Kass and Joel Silver

What are the referees called in ultimate Frisbee?

In the sport of Ulimtate Frisbee, there are no referees. Players must call their own fouls and etc. The game relies heavily on good sportmanship and the ''Spirit of the Game''

Where can ultimate frisbee be played?

go to and click on pickup page too find game in your area

What sport or game starts with letter u?

· uneven bars gymnastics · unicycle basketball · ultimate frisbee

What is the name of the throw off used to start a frisbee game?

The beginning throw to start the game or the throw after a team scores is call the "pull."

What are the rules to ultimate frisbee?

Ultimate Frisbee is a lot like football. There are two teams comprised of an equal number of players. The game is usually played on a football field so each team begins in their designated endzone (the field canbe shortened by determining the end zones as certain yard lines). One tea begins with the frisbee and yells out ULITMATE! before launching it to the other team (a lot like a kick off). Once a player of the other team has the frisbee they are only allowed to pivot on one leg (they're not permitted to take any steps) from here, they must throw the frisbee to another player on the team. This continues until a member of the team catches the frisbee in the end zone in which that team scores a point and the process starts over. However, if the frisbee is dropped it makes it an automatic recovery for the other team and the game continues, the same with an interception. If a frisbee is thrown out of bounds it is taken up by the other team from where it left the playing field. The game is over when a certain team has reached the designated amount of points (voted prior to the beginning of the game) or a team forfeits.