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Q: When rolling a bowling ball forward what is the primary movement of the shoulder joint?
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Related questions

What is the primary joint movement for a lat pull down?

A lat pull down will move the shoulder and elbow the most, primary is probably shoulder.

The deltoid muscle is responsible for what primary movement?

Elevation of the humerus and slight medial roataion of the shoulder. The anterior deltiod is a semi-weak muscle.

What is the prime mover muscle of shoulder horizontal adduction?

Because shoulder horizontal adduction is performed when the arm is horizontal position (i.e., the elbow is level with shoulder) and adduction is movement toward the center of the body, shoulder horizontal adduction is performed primarily by pectoralis major and anterior deltoid, with an assist by latissimus dorsi.

What is the intended action of the primary muscle used in barbell upright row?

shoulder flexion shoulder adduction shoulder horizontal extension

What is the primary purpose of shoulder-fired rockets?

Defeat Armored Targets

What does Ralph consider their primary objective?

He thinks they shoulder make shelter.

What muscle is the primary shoulder external rotator?


Performs the same movement as primary?

The synergist muscle performs the same movement as the primary mover. This often depends of the position of the joint.

What is the primary offense position in soccer?

the forward, or striker.

What muscle group is the primary mover of shoulder and elbow extension?

Shoulder extension is controlled by: Long head of the triceps, the last, and the teres major

What muscle's primary goal is to provide movement?

The primary movement of each muscle is to contract and relax. Depending on how it is anchored to the bone will dictates the direction it moves.

What are muscles that serve as the primary promoters of a movement?
