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Q: When lifting weight up against gravity you should?
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Do you usually gain or lose weight lifting weights?

This depends on the person and the kind of weight lifting you do. The short answer however is that lifting weights should help you to lose fat and gain muscle. If you are lifting heavily in order to gain muscle mass, you will gain weight. However, if you are lifting to get lean muscle, it should help to lose weight.

What is a push and how is it different to a pull?

push= using ur weight against gravity/forcing weight agaisnt gravity pull=using strength to pull with/against gravity (sorry my answer isn't that great and scientific!)

Does weight lifting ruin your ability to draw?

No it should not at all

Two individuals are lifting two hundred pounds how much weight is each individual lifting?

Assuming that each person is lifting equally the answer is 100 lbs each. The total weight 200, divided by 2. In reality it would depend on the center of gravity for the box, and also how evenly the weight of the box is distributed, plus also the height of the two lifters and the positions of their hands relative to the box's center of gravity.

Lift something against gravity and you're measuring its?

Its weight.

What is the force that is working against the buoyant force?

Weight (gravity).

Is boxing weight lifting?

No, boxing is not weight lifting

Weight should never be placed on the rear of the truck to increase lifting capacity?


Should weight be placed on the rear of the forklift to increase lifting capacity?


Weight should never be placed on the rear of the truck to increase lifting capacity.?


What do you feel when you hold and object against the pull of gravity?

You feel the object's "weight".

What is power in weight lifting?

To be honest, I'm just starting out in weight lifting. But to me, power, as it relates to weight lifting, is the ability to consistently lift a given amount of weight.