

When did men get drafted?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: When did men get drafted?
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Can men be drafted?


How many men were drafted vs how many enlisted themselves?

By 1968 approximately 40,000 US men a month were being drafted.

1917 forced men 21 to join military?

Men could be drafted at that age, and yes men were drafted during WWI (1917). -Also known as the Selective Service Act.

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He drafted all men.

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Who was the chairman of the 49 wise men who drafted the nigeria 1979 constitution?

late Rotimi Williams that drafted the 1979

Did women get drafted as well as men in the World War 2 draft?

In the U.S., women were not subject to conscription. Men between the ages of 18 and 45 were eligible to be drafted.

How long are you in the military if you've been drafted?

During WWII, men were drafted for the duration; Vietnam, just for two years.

How many women were drafted into military service during World War 1?

Women were, and are never DRAFTED. only men.

What are some cons of military draft?

Rich men NOT getting drafted. If Rich men do get drafted; they get the BEST jobs. If Rich men do get drafted; they avoid FRONTLINE duty. Those are the ONLY cons of military conscription; otherwise, every man serves his country...but equally (unless they're physically or mentally unfit).

How did the government get men to fight in World War 1?

They drafted.

Men drafted in world war 2?

10 million