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Ballet started in the 1500's with what is considered to be the first ballet called "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine" which is French for "The Comic Ballet of the Queen".

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Q: When ballet started?
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Where ballet started?

Ballet started in France, which is why all ballet terms are in French.

Who started classical ballet?

Russia started ballet..............................

When was ballet introduced to Russia?

Ballet was not introduced to Russia, that's where ballet started

How was ballet developed?

I am not quite sure how ballet started, but I do know that ballet either started in France or Russia. Why can't you look this up?

Who did ballet when it started?

Ballet was started by the Russians but then adopted by the French who gave names to all the steps.

What dance started in russia but has a french name?

The ballet was actually french, but was started in Russia

What person started ballet?

not one person really started ballet. But, i would have that king Louis the 14 of France helped originate it. okay what is ballet

What country ballet started?

Ballet started in Italy and was later brought to France, where king Louis named the steps, and many ballet schools were opened.

Where did Romantic Ballet Start?

romantic ballet started in the 1800's.

Where and when did ballet orginate?

Ballet started in Italy and quickly migrated to France

Which country did ballet start in?

Ballet started in Europe then spreaded throughout the country

Why was ballet so popular in France?

because that's wher ballet started