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Q: What were the circumstances in Russia as the revolution occurred?
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The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in what country?

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in Russia.

What nation did the Bolshevik revolution occur in?

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in Russia.

Where did the violent bloody revolution prediction predicted by marx occur?

No revolution along the lines Marx foresaw has occurred. He advocated a revolution that would result in the abolition of the wages system.

What events occurred on March 8 1917?

Russia's February revolution began.

What month did the first revolution of 1917 occur?

The first revolution in Russia in 1917 occurred in February according to the Julian calendar which was in effect within Russia at that time. In the western world, which used the Gregorian calendar, it occurred in March.

What events occurred on March 8 1917 in petrograd?

Russia's February revolution began.

When was the communist revolution of russia?

The Russian Revolution was actually a series of revolutions. The first of these occurred in 1917 and they lasted through 1918.

What was the Revolution of 1905 about?

The other name used for the revolution of 1905 is Viva La Resistance. This revolution occurred in Russia and lasted for just over 2 years.

How did the February Revolution get this name?

The February Revolution occurred on February 22, 1917, according to the Julian calendar that Russia was using at the time. The Julian calendar was about 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar which most of the rest of the world used. For the western world, the revolution occurred on March 8, 1817; however in Russia, it occurred on February 22, 1917, hence the name February Revolution. The following year, Russia changed over to the Gregorian calendar, but the February Revolution never lost that name even though the anniversary of the revolution was honored on March 8.

What event came before the Bolshevik Revolution?

The February Revolution in which the Tsar of Russia was overthrown and a Provisional Government established in the Tsar's place occurred before the Bolshevik Revolution.

What major changes occurred in Russia after the February Revolution?

tsar abdicates,provisional govt was created.lenin returns to russia,created 10 state policies.restriction on public meeting and association were removed.

Was Russian Provisional Government helpful to russia government?

The Provisional Government was set up after the February Revolution in 1917 when the czar was forced to abdicate. It was meant to rule Russia until a permanent government could be organized. Of course, they fixed none of things that made the population rebel in the first place and were overthrown in the October or Bolshevik Revolution.Historically, the two revolutions are referred to as the February Revolution and the October Revolution because they occurred in Russia and those were the months in which they occurred there. Academically, events that occurred within Russia under the old calendar are dated according to the calendar in place in Russia at that time, but given the explanation "Old Style". After an old style date was written there would be the date for the rest of the world with the words "New Style." Thus:"Within Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution started on October 25, 1917 (Old Style, November 7, 1917 New Style)."