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  • Cheka (abbreviation of Vecheka) 1918 - 1922
  • NKVD - "People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs" 1922 - 1923
  • OGPU - "Joint State Political Directorate" 1923 - 1934
  • NKVD - "People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs" 1934 - 1941
  • NKGB - "People's Commissariat for State Security" 1941
  • NKVD - "People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs" 1941 - 1943
  • NKGB - "People's Commissariat for State Security" 1943 - 1946
  • MGB - "Ministry for State Security" 1946 - 1953
  • MVD and MGB are merged into the MVD 1953
  • KGB - Committee for State Security 1954 - 1991
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soviet police from 1922-23 (abbrev)

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Q: What were the Soviet secret police called from 1923-34?
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What was the cheka?

Cheka was a name for the Soviets Secret Police.

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Seeing as the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore, no.

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The Soviet Intelligence Agency, the KGB, was both an Intelligence Agency and 'Secret Police'.

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KGB was the acronym for Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security, The State security agency in the former Soviet Union.

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The soviet secret police were known as the NKVD. They are responsible for the death of millions under Joseph Stalin's rule. The Soviet secret police were first known as the "Cheka" from its acronym. It began under Vladimir Lenin. Then it was known as the GPU and shortly after that the OGPU, when the organization was given nation wide authority. The OGPU, still a secret police force, was later transferred into and became a department of the the NKVD. The NKVD was in charge of both secret and public police since it handled all matters concerning internal security.

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The Gestapo was a secret police that showed their strength with the use of terror. Hitler and the Nazi party used this secret police to hunt down Jews, gypsies, etc. Once they found them, they would be sent to the concentration camps.

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What was Hitler's secret police called?

It was called the Gestapo.

What were the nazi secret police called?

The Gestapo.