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The game was created at the YMCA Training School in Springfield, MA (now Springfield College). This is a tricky question because numerous schools claim the "first" game played.

-first public Basketball game was played on March 11, 1892 at the Springfield YMCA Training School between students and faculty, students won 5-1.

-first basketball game reported between two colleges was played on February 9th, 1895, when the Minnesota State School of Agriculture (which is now the University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus) beat the Hamline College Porkers by a score of 9 to 3

-first recognized intercollegiate game with five players on each team,on January 16th, 1896, University of Chicago defeated University of Iowa 15 to 12

-first official intercollegiate game, on December 10th, 1896, Wesleyan University defeated Yale, 4-3

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Q: What was the name of the college when they played their first basketball game?
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When was college basketball established?

The first game ever in college basketball was played 1/18/1896

Did college basketball start?

The game of Basketball was invented by James Naismith, back in 1892. It was in 1893, that the first College Basketball game was played. It was between New Brighton and Geneva College. The first game was held in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, home of Geneva College Golden Tornados

Was basketball a pro sport or college sport first?

Basketball was first played in a college. The first game, 1891, was in the Y.M.C.A college of physical education, Springfield, U.S.A and they used peach basket suspended as the nets, hence the name BASKETball

When was the first college basketball game played?

The game of basketball was invented by James Naismith, back in 1892. It was in 1893, that the first college basketball game was played. It was between New Brighton and Geneva College. The first game was held in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, home of the Geneva College Golden Tornados

What year was the first organized basketball game played?

The First Game was played in 1891

First ever basketball game at the garden?

According to, the first college basketball game played at the Garden was in 1934 between Notre Dame and New York University.

Was a college basketball game ever been played outdoors?


When did colleges start playing basketball?

*A number of U.S. colleges start playing the game between 1893 and 1895. *1934 was when the first college game was played. *It was staged in New York City's Madison Square Garden. *By the 1950s basketball became a major college sport.

Where was the first basketball game?

The first professional Basketball game ever played was in 1896, in Trenton, New Jersey.

Who played the first game of basketball?

the lakers!:)

What year was the first girls college basketball game played?

Women's basketball began in 1892 at Smith_Collegewhen Senda_Berenson, a physical education teacher, modified Naismith's rules for women.