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Q: What was the main purpose of the union league?
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# Union # To face the same fate

What was the main purpose of the Womens Christian Temperance Union founded in 1874?

The main purpose of this group was the prohibition of alcohol.

What was the main purpose of the womens christian temperance union found in 1874?

The main purpose of this group was the prohibition of alcohol.

When was Union League created?

Union League was created in 1879.

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The Scottish Rugby Union represents the players rights and makes sure that the Rugby Players are always treated fairly and equally. The Union gives the player a piece of mind so they can play and not to have to worry about as much about these issues.

When was League of Nations Union created?

League of Nations Union was created in 1918.

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The Trade Union Educational League was created in 1920.

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Lincoln wanted to keep the border states in the Union.

What are the two main categories of players in rugby?

League and union If this is not what your looking for please expand on your question to facilitate improved responses

Main purpose of the league of nations?

The League of Nations was formed on 1919.It was one of the terms agreed on the Versailles treaty.The main purpose of forming the League of Nations was to maintain the world peace and to prevent the occurrence of another world war after the first one.Also the league of nations was to enforce the terms and the punishment agreed on Germany as the causer of the first world war.