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4.24563 inches is the diameter of a Golf hole.

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Q: What was Gene Sarazens suggestion to increase the diameter of the hole for golf?
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What is the difference between cloning and expression vectors?

Cloning vectors are used to increase the number of copies of the cloned gene or to amplify a foreign gene. Expression vectors are used to increase the expression of the foreign gene product.

How does reproductive isolation increase isolation?

it stops gene flow

Why does geograpical isolation increase differences between gene pools?

Because they produce with whomever they want which gives them more varieties in a gene pool

What was the cause of the increase in the numbers of the black moths in England in the 1800s?

gene flow

What was the cause of the increase in the numbers of black moths in England in the 1800's?

gene flow

Can you give a sentence using the word gene therapy?

Gene therapy is a promising medical approach that involves introducing genetic material into a person's cells to treat or prevent a disease.

What would happen is selective pressure changed and the recessive gene was selected for?

If selective pressure changed and the recessive gene was selected for, individuals carrying the recessive gene would have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing, leading to an increase in the frequency of that gene in the population. Over time, this could result in the recessive gene becoming the dominant trait in the population.

Which increase speciation?

Geographic isolation Low geneflow.

A transgenic organism that has extra copies of a gene produces more of RNA the that is coded for by the gene?

In a transgenic organism with extra gene copies, there is typically an increase in the production of the corresponding RNA due to the additional gene copies being transcribed. This can lead to an elevated expression level of the gene's product, which could result in observable phenotypic changes in the organism.

What is and example of a gene?

An example of a gene is the BRCA1 gene, which is known for its role in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. This gene provides instructions for making a protein that helps repair damaged DNA and maintain the stability of the cell's genetic material. Mutations in the BRCA1 gene can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

The population of mine was a split knife by river before speciation is completed the two has a rejoined when a drought causes the river to run dry how this impacts the two population?

the gene flow would increase (apex)orGene flow would increase between the two halves, and speciation would not occur.

What is the Diet to increase height?

There is no diet to increase height. How tall you are going to be depends on your gene make up. Although it is true that getting your vitamins and protein assure that you will grow to your predetermined height.