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caterpillar fungus

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Cordyceps aka caterpillar power

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Q: What type fungus given to the Chinese athletes in the Olympics to reduce stress?
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Why do athletes shoes often have cleats on them?

for traction.

Why is it common to catch athletes foot fungus in changing rooms at the baths?

Athlete's foot fungus thrives in warm, damp environments like changing rooms, where multiple individuals are walking around barefoot, making it easier to spread the fungus. The fungus can be transferred through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or by sharing items such as towels or footwear, increasing the likelihood of catching it in such places. Regular cleaning and drying of changing room floors and surfaces can help reduce the risk of infection.

How does smoking reduce an athletes perfomance?

smoking reduxces an athletes perfomance as they have more carbon monoxide which means less oxygen goes to the muscles

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Would drug testing of student athletes reduce drug use among teenagers?

I personal think that it wouldn't help

How wearing slippers helps reduce the growth of fungus on the feet?

Slippers have better ventilation than standard shoes, reducing humidity around the feet. The lower humidity makes it harder for the fungus to grow. People that go barefoot most of the time don't get athlete's foot fungus infection, because their feet stay dry.

Schools doing enough to reduce concussions among student athletes?

Well personally, where I come from, yes schools do do enough. Sorry if this does not help :(

How does wearing slippers help reduce the growth of fungus on the feet?

Slippers have better ventilation than standard shoes, reducing humidity around the feet. The lower humidity makes it harder for the fungus to grow. People that go barefoot most of the time don't get athlete's foot fungus infection, because their feet stay dry.

What is the Medicinal value of celery?

My Chinese medicine doctor recommends celery in a regime to reduce blood-pressure.

What dynasties attempted to cut off trade with the Mongols?

Chinese Jin and Xia dynasties to reduce trade

Why do athletes take ice baths after practicing?

Hard practices can cause small tears in muscles. Taking ice baths can help reduce pain and soreness in the muscles.

Who is chosen to host the olympic games?

China has been chosen to host this years Olympic games in the City of Beiijing. The Chinese are having big problems trying to reduce the terrible pollution in the city in time for the start of the games in August. There was quite an outcry from some other countries because some Chinese people's homes were demolished to make way for the stadium for the Olympics. These people were mostly elderly and poor and their Government did not offer any alternative dwellings for them initially.