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Q: What two points does king make about the means by which a just goal should be reached?
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What if their goal is 25000 and they raised 22500 then what fraction of their goal have they reached?

They have reached 22500/25000 = 9/10 of thier goal.

In Basketball what is the term that means 2 or 3 points from the floor?

field goal

What should a person use to measure whether his or her goal has been reached?

You should use a ruler because it can measure more

How many points is a goal worth in handball?

if you win you should get 3 points if you draw you get 1 points if you lose you get 0 points

What does the proverb the more you get the more you want mean?

It means people are greedy - they set out for a goal - when it is reached they are not satisfied and strive for even more.

Why did field goal score points change?

because 1 field goal is 5 points

What does GS mean in hockey?

It is goals scored if 2 teams are on the same amount of points the team with most goals is higher on the table.

What was the goal of the Fourteen points?

The Fourteen Points was a plan in order to create a just and lasting peace, therefore, that was the goal of the Fourteen Points.

How many points is agoal worth in soccer?

Each goal is considered one point. but its referred to as a goal

What the difference between a long-term goal and a short-term goal?

A long-term goal is reached further in the future.

What is the difference between a long-term goal and a short-term goal?

A long-term goal is reached further in the future.

What does fluff a goal mean?

to fluff a goal; a term used in british football (soccer) means to miss the goal net when they should have easily scored