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javelin , sprint.

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Q: What track and field events were there in ancient Greek Olympics?
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Were there track and field events in the ancient Greek Olympics?


List four sporting events held at the modern Olympics and the ancient Greek Olympics?

field events and track events

What year did the ancient Olympic games begin and where were they held?

The first Olympics were held in Athens in 1896.The events includes Track and field

What track and field events were there in modern Olympics?


Were was track an field originated?

I can't say where the first modern track and field events were held, but they have their origins in the ancient Greek Olympics. The ancient Greeks believed that the home of the gods was at the top of mount Olympus, and at the base of the mountain the Greeks held regular athletic competitions in things such as running, jumping, javelin throwing, wrestling, and other such things, to honor the gods.

How many track and field 1000m events are there in the Olympics?

None the 1000 meter race is not contested in the Olympics

Is the Olympics an event or a meet?

The summer and winter olympics are meets that are held every 4 years. Although during the meet there are events that take place. e.g (track and field events and swimming events in the summer olympics and skiing or snowboarding in the winter olympics)

Major contributions in the field of chemistry made by ancient Greeks?

ancient greek

Did the ancient Olympics have winter sports?

No. The Olympics were only track and field and the winners received laurel leaf crowns.

Where did track and field originate?

Track itself only has discrete roots back to the early 1800's in various countries in Europe, eventually making its way into America. Track events however, started back before there were even countries that one could classify. The Greek started holding Olympic Games including events such as the Standion Race (Running Race), the Long Jump, the Javelin Throw, the Discus throw, and wrestling. All of these (with the exception of Wrestling) are modern day track meet events. So to directly address your question: Track and field began nearly 2700 years ago in the Greek Empire.

What events are part of the Olympics?

weight lifting and other track and field games and shooting

What are the main events in the Olympics?

track and field, swimming, diving, gymnastics, to name a few