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a happy excited type person because your supposed to smile A LOT

flexible so you can do all of the moves and for stunts and flips

athletic so you dont get tired too easily doing all the routines you need to be strong

I feel the most important three are

-Sportsmanship- Being able to win or lose with grace, being able to congratulate another team, not spreading rumors or talking down about other teams

-A positive attitude- Being ready and focused at practice, always being willing to try something new, being friendly and cooperative

-Spirit- Having respect for your coaches, representing your program in the most positive manor you can

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13y ago
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15y ago

A good cheerleader always has s smaile on their face, and cheers people up when they are down. Plus they have good spirit and love to entertain a crowd, and be athletic. -kristin-- i am a cheerleader (:

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11y ago

A cheerleader should be alert joyful but not too much so, or you will become annoying. Also: be proud of your school! Remember that as a cheerleader you are representing your school! When you are visiting other schools be polite and please DO NOT trash talk the other team / school.

A cheerleader should also have enthusiasm and pride for her school.

After, all who are you cheering for?

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13y ago

Being supportive towards you team members and the team you are cheering for.

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12y ago

It sounds dumb, but you have to have spirit. You just have to. If you have spirit, you will always put in 110% into practice and then you'll always be making progress.

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