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Q: What sport was milo of croton famous for?
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Milo of Croton home?

He was from Croton, hence his name.

What was Milo of Croton's occupation?


When was Milo of Croton born?

it is believed that he got his hand stuck in a tree and was eaten by wild animals

Which sport did Milo compete in?


How did milo of croton train?

He supposedly trained by lifting a young calf up to his head every day and as the weight increased his strength improved.

Which sport did Milo of Kroton compete in?


Which sport of Milo of Kroton compete in?

chicken wings..

What sport did milo of kroton compete in in the ancient olympics?


What is 'The Thinker or Venus de Milo'?

The Thinker and Venus De Milo are both famous sculptures.

What is a croton?

croton is of 2feet

What museum is the famous Venus de Milo in?

The Venus de Milo is located in the Louvre in Paris, France.

Who won the first Olympics?
