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Curling...Oh, how I hate Curling. :P

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Q: What olympic sport was played with a stone and broom?
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In what sport do they use brooms rocks and sliders?

Curling is a Winter sport played on ice. The rock or Stone is hurled or bowled as players use a broom to sweep the ice in front of the stone as it slide across the ice.

When was Broom-Braden Stone House created?

Broom-Braden Stone House was created in 1832.

are there any kind of stone which slips on ice?

Polished granite, is a stone that will slide easily on ice. It is the type of stone used in the Olympic sport of curling, in which players slide stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four rings.

Why did Severus Snape jinx Harry's broom in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Professor Quirrell was jinxing the broom trying to make Harry fall off. Professor Snape was trying to keep him on it.

What is the sport in the sword in the stone?

The sport is jousting; an entertaining sport which also trains the knights. - still goes on.

How do you unlock the broom cupboard in the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone video game for PlayStation 1?

It cannot be unlocked.

What suface is the sport curling played on?

Curling is played on Ice. Stones, granite stones, are pushed towards the house. Sweepers smooth the ice in front of the stone, nearest the centre of the house wins.

What Harry Potter films is the only one in the series where Hermione actually flies on a broom?

Hermione never actually flies a broom but in "The Philosophers Stone" where the students have their first ever flying lesson she almost does. >>Actually, she does end up flying on a broom in the Deathly Hallows Part 2 when they are escaping the fiendfyre in the room of requirement.

What sport are the Cook Islanders into?

pok-ta-tok its an ancient game played with a 4 pound ball that you have to make through a stone hoop 30 feet in the air

How much does an olympic curling stone weigh in pounds with handle?

42 lbs.

Was Stone Cold Steve Austin an olympic gold medalist?

No but Kurt Angle was.

Stone walling is a term associated with what sport?

Syncronized Swimming