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Q: What sport means todayis it about teamwork or individual achievement?
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Describe your idea of teamwork?

working together -teamwork means to cover eachothers weaknesses and to build off ones strengths. Teamwork also means to treat others the same and work together as a whole rather the singel one teamate out. To work as a team functionaly you must treat all team members the same no matter there ranking in the buissness world or in society.

Which factor was emphasized by the philosophy of humanism?

Human potential and the importance of individual achievement and expression were emphasized by the philosophy of humanism. This movement focused on valuing human capabilities and fostering intellectual and artistic pursuits as a means to enrich society.

What means achievements?

An achievement means doing something successfully. Usually the term is used when the achievement required skill, bravery or extreme effort.

Differences between aptitude and achievement test?

'Achievement' means what you have done. 'Aptitude' means what you can do (but haven't done yet). These tests aim to measure these.

What does achievement oriented mean?

achievement oriented means expects to have sucessfull results in what ever he plans to achieve

How do people cooperate?

Cooperation means : TEAM WORK Without teamwork you will NEVER have cooperation.

What is the meaning of synergic?

That is a word that means "Teamwork" and allows consultants to charge lots of money.

Which term means to work together?

Cooperate Teamwork Harambee (Swahili) Partner Are some

What does achievements means?

An achievement means doing something successfully. Usually the term is used when the achievement required skill, bravery or extreme effort.

How do you get revenge achievement?

you get revenge achievement when you are satisfied with your revenge, in other world it means you think you've tricked them enough

What is a sentence with achievement?

Achievement is a noun which means something done successfully. Thus it can be used in the following possible sentences:The biggest achievement of my life is my family.Many people strive for an achievement in business.The girl got a sense of achievement upon finishing her homework.

What is the deeper meaning of hand mosaic?

means going have teamwork and collaboration with each other.