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Q: What sex threw the javelin in the ancient times?
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Did same-sex marriage exist in ancient times?

Yes, and no. The Roman Emperor Nero married one of his male slaves. This was not his only concurrent marriage. It was not legal under Roman, but since he was the Emperor, it was legal for him to do as he pleased. So, at least one legal same-sex marriage existed in ancient times. Other than that, however, there are myriad references to homosexuality in ancient times, but not in the context of same-sex marriage. Homosexual activity depicted in ancient literature and art seems to be more recreational and extra-marital.

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thongs or underwear that are see threw

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he had sex

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They had sex till they dropped

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as many times as they want there is no set number of times a person can have sex

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This question requires more detail. Slavery began in ancient times, therefore a nation and time period is needed to answer such a question.

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seduct the guard into having sex and rip of his or her penis

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so they can have sex

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because of having sex

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because of sex

Was same-sex marriage allowed in Ancient Egypt?

There is not much information available concerning homosexuality in Ancient Egypt. There is some artwork which depicts such activity, but there is no reference to same-sex marriages.

What is the Ancient Greek translation of gonia and meter?

I believe that meter in ancient greet is Mother sex on the beech i believe