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northern Iowa

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βˆ™ 15y ago

University of Northern Iowa.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

University of Nothern Iowa

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Q: What college did Kurt warner go to?
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Where did Kurt warner go to college?

Northern Iowa

What NFL player was NOT drafted from college?

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What did Kurt warner major in at college?

Communications at the University of Northern Iowa

When was Kurt Warner born?

Kurt warner was born on June 22, 1971

Who signed Kurt Warner?

Kurt Warner is currently on the Arizona Cardinals.

Is Kurt warner tall?

Kurt Warner is 6' 2" tall.

How tall is Kurt Warner?

Kurt Warner is 6' 2" tall.

What is Kurt warner's birthday?

Kurt Warner was born on June 22, 1971.

When is Kurt warner's birthday?

Kurt warner was born on June 22, 1971

What is Kurt Warner's birthday?

Kurt Warner was born on June 22, 1971.

How much does Kurt warner weigh?

Kurt Warner weighs 220 lbs.

Which cardinals player has been to the Super Bowl the most?

Kurt warner Kurt warner