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Postaxial hand polydactyly is a common isolated disorder in African black and African American children, and autosomal dominant transmission is suspected. Postaxial polydactyly is approximately 10 times more frequent in blacks than in whites and is more frequent in male children. In contrast, postaxial polydactyly seen in white children is usually syndromic and associated with an autosomal recessive transmission.

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Related questions

Is there a way to detect a carrier of polydactyly?

Polydactyly can be diagnosed by external observation, x ray, and fetal sonogram

Many generations that followed had cases of polydactyly What is this an example of?

Founder Effect

Many generations that followed had cases of polydactyly. what is this example of?

Founder Effect

What is polydactyly a symptom of?

Polydactyly is a genetic disorder which leads to one having six fingers or toes. This is also known as hexadactyly. It is caused by an autosomal dominant gene. ~ Poly = many dactly = fingers and toes. Polydactyly means more than the usual number of fingers and/or toes. Some cases can be genetic but most are not and there can be any number (not necessarily 6).

Are cases of polydactyly always genetic?

Some cases might be due to external factors like exposure to toxins or womb anomalies

Why does poly dactyl tend to pass on from generation to generation?

Polydactyly, the condition of having extra digits, can pass on from generation to generation due to genetic inheritance. It is usually inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, meaning that if one parent carries the gene for polydactyly, there is a 50% chance each child will inherit the condition. The specific genes and mechanisms involved in polydactyly inheritance can vary depending on the underlying genetic causes.

Who discovered polydactyly?

Tyler Steven Hayden discovered polydactyly.

How many people have polydactyly syndrome?

1 out of every 500 people are affected with Polydactyly, being most common in black males and least common in white females.

What ethnic group is most likely to get polydactyly?

It is most common among those of African ancestry.

When was polydactyly discovered?

Polydactyly was first mentioned in the bible. This condition of having more than five fingers or toes on one hand or foot is most common among the Amish people.

If both parents are heterozygous for polydactyly what percentage of offspring will exhibit polydactyly?


When does polydactyly occur?

Polydactyly and syndactyly can occur simultaneously when extra digits are fused