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Q: What oxygen system is used When an athlete is running in the Marathon in the Olympic final?
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What energy system requires oxygen?

Aerobic energy system relies on oxygen to produce energy. This system is efficient for longer duration activities such as running a marathon.

Why does aerobic respiration increase as the athlete starts racing?

Because he's using more oxygen. Aeorbic Respiration means there's oxygen in the body so when an athlete starts running, he's using the oxygen. When there's no oxygen, lactic acid is made and that makes you feel like you're in pain. LIke when it starts burning. Hope i helped and God bless you:)

Why does a trained athlete have a better lung capacity than a untrained athlete?

A trained athlete has a better lung capacity because their lungs become more efficient at taking in oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide through regular exercise and conditioning. This leads to stronger respiratory muscles and improved oxygen utilization by the body, allowing the athlete to breathe more effectively during physical activity.

An event where your body would mainly use its aerobic energy is?

Running a marathon is an event where your body would mainly use its aerobic energy. Aerobic metabolism produces energy in the presence of oxygen, allowing for sustained and long-duration activities like endurance running. Your body relies on aerobic energy to provide a steady supply of energy for the duration of the marathon.

Why do runners inhale pure oxygen after a marathon?

After a marathon there is an oxygen deficit in your body. Your muscles have obtained energy through a process called lactic acid fermentation, which does not use oxygen but is less efficient than aerobic respiration. It also causes a buildup of lactic acid, which your body gets rid of using oxygen. Supplying pure oxygen allows your body to get that oxygen faster.

How would asthma effect a marathon runner?

Asthma prevents proper breathing and marathon runner would be affected by the lack of oxygen to their muscles, which may make them fatigue faster.

How does training in high altitude increase the athlete's ability to compete?

Training at high altitudes exposes the athlete to thinner air and reduced oxygen content. These subject the athlete to the increased stresses of having to make do with less oxygen. The idea is that the athlete acclimatizes to exertion in this environment. Then, when he returns to normal conditions, his body will act like it is being exposed to rich air and perform better than before.

Why is the aerobic endurance important?

Aerobic energy system is used for long durations sports such as a Football And Marathon Running As The Aerobic energy System is used for long distance sport activities and can only be active when oxygen is there.

A gas which the athlete need from the air for respirationa?

Oxygen is the only gas used by humans for respiration.

Would a fitter athlete have a higher respiratory rate?

No. A fitter athlete will have a higher tidal volume, and greater oxygen transport; fewer deeper breaths doing more work.

Does walking have a higher oxygen demand than running?

No, running typically has a higher oxygen demand than walking due to the increased intensity and energy expenditure involved in running. When running, the body requires more oxygen to fuel the increased muscle activity and higher heart rate compared to walking.

How does running effect your pulse?

Running increases the body's need for oxygen. The heart rate speeds up to deliver more oxygen to the body. The pulse increases.