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Q: What kind of pool cover can you use that does not solar heat the pool?
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Will a concrete pool with no reflective liner heat up faster with or without a solar cover during the day?

A pool with a solar cover will absorb the heat faster during the day and when left on the pool over night it will prevent the loss of heat.

Does the thickness of a pool solar cover help heat it faster?

The insulating property's of the cover may stop heat escaping resulting in the pool heating more quickly,

Does a above ground Pool cover provide any heating for above ground pool water?

Your regular cover won't heat the pool, it will hold the heat, but it will not heat it up. You need a solar blanket if you are looking for something to warm your pool.

Should you leave the vinyl pool cover on when using a solar blanket or does the pool cover above the solar blanket hinder the solar blanket's performance?

Remove the vinyl cover when using a solar blanket to warm the water. If the vinyl cover is used at the same time as the solar blanket, the vinyl cover absorbs most of the heat and then transfers the heat into the air or water between the vinyl cover and the solar blanket. Then the heat transfers to the solar blanket and then, finally, into the water. When this happens, a lot of heat remains in the vinyl cover and air/water between the two covers instead of getting into the water. It is preferable to have the heat absorbed by the solar cover and then transfer directly into the water. Hope this helps... Too much redundancy in pool covers.

What is a solar blanket?

It's a polyvinyl cover that lays on top of a pool and keeps heat in.

How much heat do you get from a solar cover?

8-15 degree's depending on sun and size of pool

How do you heat a rubber pool without using a heater?

Use a bubble type solar blanket or cover.

How do you make heat in a pool with the sun?

Hi there,A few ways:solar heater - solar panels either on the ground or a roof with water from the pool being pumped through themsolar pool cover - a cover directly on the pool surface which helps trap heat from the sun and also prevents evaporation (biggest cause of heat loss)chemical "blanket" - a commercially available product which creates a thin layer on the surface of your pool to help trap heat and reduce evaporation - last about 30 dayssolar rings - these float on the pool surface and join together with magnets to form a kind of pool cover to heat water and slow evaporation.ALWAYS try to use a pool cover first as evaporation causes about 80% of pool heat loss.

Does a solar cover have to actually touch the water?

Yes, the solar cover should touch the pool water. The cover absorbs the heat from the sun and then transfers that heat to the water. If the cover does not touch the water, most of the heat will end up in the air between the cover and the water rather than going into the water itself. Hope this helps ...

When is it necessary to remove a solar blanket from a pool and is removal necessary to maintain oxygen levels in the water?

A solar blanket is an inexpensive way to heat your pool water. It should not stay on during the of season. I recommend a winter pool cover. However, the heat fgenerated from the solar cover absorbs a significant amount of chlorine and tends to lower the Ph level in the pool. I suggest you regularly, atleast once a week, check the chemical levels in the pool water.

Can you add optimizer plus to a pool with the solar cover on?

It's not possible to add optimizer plus to a pool with the solar cover on. You will need to remove the solar cover from part or all of the pool in order to put optimizer or other pool treatment products into your swimming pool water.

Pool solar cover?
