

What is the suns inner temperature?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What is the suns inner temperature?
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What is the suns temperature range range?

Inner of the sun Temperature is 14000°c and outer is 6000°c

Is the suns average surface temperature 570?

No, you need another 0 on the end. The surface temperature of our sun is around 5500 to 6000 degrees Kelvin, about the same in °C. The inner core temperature is around 14.5 million degrees Kelvin.

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No it is not, however it is similar to that of the sun's surface

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it goes into the inner core.

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about the same temperature of 1000 suns

Why is the temperature higher in the inner planets than the outer planets?

Planets closer to the sun will receive more of the suns energy per unit of area on their surface than planets further from the sun, so will generally be hotter.

What is the temperature of the suns surface in kalvin?

Its about 5670.16 degrees kelvin

How hot is the suns serface temperature?

5,000 degrees c

What r the inner planets temperature?

The inner planet Mercury and Venus has very high temperature and the Earth and Mars has moderate temperature. However, the Earth has nice temperature.

How does the temperature of the inner planets compare to the temperature of the outer planets?

The inner ones are hotter and the outer ones are colder

What is the temperature of the inner core of the earth in kelvin?

The temperature of the Earth's inner core is estimated to be around 6000 kelvin.