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Q: What is the shape of a netball court?
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What is the venue for netball?

you play netball on a netball court :)

What can you play netball on?

a netball court

What colour are netball court lines?

yellow lines on a netball court

Mini netball court size?

is there a mini netball court dimensoin

How much does it cost to build a netball court?

how much money is a netball court

Where is Netball played a lot?

it can be played indoor or outdoor on a hard court

How big is a Netball Court in Meters?

30.5x15.25 meters (100x50 feet) for a standard Netball court.

What is the playing area for netball?

netball space is space where no one is, If you can't get in front of your partner you go to space where no one else is.

What is the netball made of?

netball is made of 7 players on a team the court and the umpiers

How do you spell netballcort?

The phrase is two words "netball court" (where netball is played).

In netball what is a out of court means?

an out of court is when the ball goes outside the court and the person who touches it last whatever team they are on the other team has a free pass

In netball what is a out of court?

When the balls gets thrown out or knock out of court.