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It is the last game of a series, when both Baseball teams split the previous games. For example, if the series is tied 1-1, the third game would be the rubber game.

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Q: What is the rubber game mean in baseball?
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Where did the baseball term 'rubber game' originate?

Rubber game or rubber match: Term used for the third game of 3-game series when the two teams have split the first two games. Originally a card-playing term.

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Why is the third game called the rubber match?

The term drives from contract bridge (the card game). There are two forms of bridge commonly played -- "duplicate", which is used in tournaments, and "rubber". A Rubber in rubber bridge consists of winning two out of three games, so if a match (or a series in sports) is tied at one-to-one, the "rubber" depends on winning that final game, hence the "rubber game" or "rubber match".

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There is no rubber game of a double header. The rubber game refers to the final game of a series where the series is tied going into that last game. The term is most commonly used to refer to the final game of a three game series whose first two games were split.

Why is the 3rd game of a series called a rubber match?

A rubber match (or rubber game) is a match where the winner of that match wins the series. In a three game series tied at one game a piece, the third match is the rubber match. The third match is not called a rubber match if one team already won the first two games and is going for the sweep.

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Why were the materials that make a baseball chosen to make a baseball?

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