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Well, you need to be fairly skinny, with strong legs. I heard a great dancer say that you need a small head, short torso, long arms, long legs, and you need to be skinny.

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Q: What is the right body type for ballet?
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Related questions

Does ballet have a capital letter?

In general, only at the beginning of a sentence. The word ballet is a common noun; it is a type of dance, but is no longer considered a proper name in its own right.

What is ballet and ballerina?

Ballet is a type of dance and ballerina is a girl who dances ballet

What of dance is involved in ballet?

Ballet is a type of dance.

What are the specific physical characteristics for body type in professional ballet?

long neck short torso and slender figure

What type of dance might you perform a piroutte?

A pirouette is a ballet step where the body spins on the toes or the ball of the foot.

What is folktoric ballet?

a type of ballet often preformed in Columbia and Mexico.

How do you use ballet in a sentence?

"I've been studying ballet for ten years now." "Do you dance? What type of dance? Jazz or Ballet?" Ballet is a noun.

Body positions in ballet?


Can you wear ballet body suit to swim with?

You can but I wouldn't wear it to ballet class after you swim in it.

What type of art is ballet?

Ballet is a method of dance. Dance is a performing art

Where can you learn to do ballet online?

it would be very hard learning ballet from videos etc as you really do need a teacher. but if you type on youtube basic ballet steps and start from there. then google ballet steps and learn how to do them from watching videos on youtube you can then start to put steps together. It would also be a good idea to get a book out from the liabary on ballet technique and a guide to ballet, so you learn how to train your body (posture, turn out etc) GOODLUCK!

How did ballet began?

ballet began as musical theater and turned into its own type of artistry