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Q: What is the most severe type of court martial?
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The most severe type of court-martial is the?

The most severe type of court-martial can be held during times of war.

What is the most sever type of court-martial?


What are the three type of court-martial?

The major divisions are Summary Court, Special Court and a General Court Martial. BTW, the plural is Courts Martial.

What are the three types of court martials?

Special, General, Summary

What type of court martial for going AWOL?

Being "Away With Out Leave" is punishable by court martial. Or it can be punished administratively. Typically the penalty is substantially less if it is Administrative, but everyone has the right to ask for a courts martial to get their day in court.

What type of law uses the court-martial?

That would be military justice system. A court-martial is a judicial review of charges against a service member.

What type of law uses the court martial?

That would be military justice system. A court-martial is a judicial review of charges against a service member.

What are the two type of court-martial counsel?

Trial and Defense Counsel

What defines a type of specialty court operated directly by the armed forces?

A Court-martial is a specialty court operated directly by the armed forces.

Type of karate is deadliest?

the most destructive type of martial art is taekwondo

Where were martial arts originated?

Most places have some type of martial art. The were created anywhere that man had conflict with other men.

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f5 is the worst