

What is the mechanical waves medium?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is the mechanical waves medium?
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What distinguishes waves from mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium for their propagation whereas electromagnetic waves require a medium for their propagation.

What waves require a medium and what waves do not?

Mechanical waves require a medium (substance) to travel in, other waves do not. For example, sound is a mechanical wave and require a medium (air, water, etc.), light is not a mechanical wave and does not require a medium

Why are sound waves not considered a mechanical wave?

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium in which to travel, i.e., a solid or fluid. As sound needs a medium to travel, sound is a mechanical wave.

Is sound a medium wave?

No. Waves that require a medium to travel in are called mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves are not mechanical waves and do not require a medium.

How are em waves different from mechanical waves?

mechanical waves need a medium to travel through, electromagnetic waves do not. Electromagnetic waves can travel through space, mechanical waves can not.:PElectromagnetic waves do not require a medium, but mechanical waves do.

What kind of waves need a medium?

Mechanical waves require a medium.

How mechanical and electromagnetic wave are different?

The biggest difference is that mechanical waves require a medium to travel through and electromagnetic waves do not.

How em waves different from mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium while Electromagnetic waves does not.

What waves need a medium to travel in?

Mechanical waves need a medium to travel in

What do you call waves that require a medium A electromagnetic waves or B mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves, shock waves, etc.

Waves that do require a medium are called?

Sound waves, they need a medium to vibrate.A2. Earthquake waves and other mechanical waves also need a medium for their transmission.Ghv. Tsunamis are a type of mechanical wave, which is the kind of wave you're looking for.

Why do sound wave require a medium to travel?

Sound waves are mechanical waves and all mechanical waves require a material medium for its propagation unlike electromagnectic waves