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Swimming uses almost every muscle in your body. It does not just use one main one.

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Q: What is the main nmuscle you use while swimming?
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yes, swimming is a verb. A verb is a doing word and hence, you can swim.

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After a while of swimming, your muscles use lactic acid. It uses it through Lactic acid fermentation. It results in more energy.

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Can you use vaseline to repell clorine in your hair while swimming?

It's best to use a thick conditioner.

How long do swimming goggles last?

i'd say if you use them for practice everyday,,,, about a year until they start to fog while swimming, or mold

What do you use while swimming to protect your eyes?

goggles or a diving mask should do fine.

Tampons and swimming?

You don't have to use tampons to swim while on your period. You can use menstrual cups and softcups for swimming, as well as safer than tampons cups can be worn with light flow which tampons can't, menstrual cups also don't leak like other options. You can also simply sit-out of swimming while you're on your period, it's up to you what you use and what you do on your period.