

What is the highest altitude a parachute has ever been?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the highest altitude a parachute has ever been?
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highest altitude is?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the definition of 'highest altitude'. For example, if you are referring to the highest point on Earth's surface, this is Mount Everest, which has an altitude of 8,848 metres (29,029 feet). However, if you are referring to the highest altitude ever reached by a human, this is 10,908 metres (35,787 feet), which was accomplished by Felix Baumgartner during a skydive from a helium balloon in 2012.

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On October 1922, she set a women's altitude record of 14,000 feet which was later broken by Ruth Nichols.

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For an observer at latitude 35 degrees, the highest the sun can ever be in his sky is roughly 31.5 degrees above the horizon.

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No. If you've ever been in fog, it's the same as a cloud at different altitude.

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Capt Joseph Kittinger of the US Air Force jumped from a helium balloon at 102,800 feet. His parachute deployed somewhere around 15,000 feet - roughly the height that skydivers normally jump from.

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To climb Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world takes a lot of training. You must be the fittest you have ever been, it helps if you have knowledge in snow/ice climbing and have had experience in climbing other high altitude mountains.

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