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you can move horizontally or vertically either way 2 spaces, then move another 1 so it makes an L shape

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It can move in a L shape.

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Q: What is the function of knight in the chess game?
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What is the function of knight wolf in chess game?

There is no knight wolf in a standard or "regular" chess game. There is only the knight.

What is the function of knight chess?

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In which game would you use a castle and knight?

You would likely use a castle and knight in a game like Chess, where the knight is a unique chess piece that moves in an L-shaped pattern, and the castle, known as the rook, moves horizontally or vertically across the board.

Is a rook a horse or a knight in the game of chess?

yes, the horse is.

Which pieces are maximum in number at the start of a chess game?


Where is the knight placed during chess?

At the start of the game each knight is placed between rook and bishop .

What is the significance of the knight in chess?

One of the most fascinating capabilities of a Knight is it's ability , in an L shaped pattern , to turn your opponent's flank . A virtue no other Chess piece has in the game .

How is the horse call in the game of chess?

Knight. (K is silent- sounds like "night") Moves in an "L" shape; 2 over and one across or vice versa.

What is Kaname's game in vampire knight?

kaname is playing chess. He uses the game chess to help him out with his plan. he plays alone and everything woks but I won't tell you all the delicous details in it!

What are the positions of the pieces in a game of chess?

Front row: pawns Back row: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, and rook

Have Gun Will Travel why a chess knight?

The Knight is the most versatile of chess pieces being capable of movement in 8 directions as well as over other chess pieces . Paladin is also a reference to the virtues of a knight .

In Ingmar Bergman's movie The Seventh Seal against whom does the knight play a high-stakes game of chess?
