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It's the Big Ten Basketball Tournament Logo. It is each schools two main colors as if they were pennants in a circle. It also has a image of a basketball net (white lines) as if you were looking up through it.

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Q: What is the colorful thing at center court of the Big Ten men's basketball tournament?
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The red white and blue loops signify patriotism. Support Our Troops!

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Take it to The Hoop?

Playing basketball is incredibly enjoyable during the summer months. Competing with other people on the courts and bringing one's "A" game is what makes the sport of basketball so thrilling. There is nothing like guarding someone on offense with intensity and going in for a steal. Stealing the ball, driving down the court, and shooting a layup are what basketball is all about. Putting together a tournament can be a fun way to bring people together to enjoy the sport of basketball. Many people want to play basketball, but they do not know where to go. Some people feel awkward or uncomfortable simply joining a pick-up basketball game at the park. Creating a tournament allows people to join in on basketball at their own comfort level. A tournament can be organized anywhere. For neighborhoods, tournaments are a great way for neighbors to get to know one another. One can even make an evening out of a basketball tournament, by hosting a barbecue dinner for all neighbors after the tournament is done. A basketball tournament can also be a fun event for employees in a workplace or students at a school to get involved with. Hosting basketball tournaments for charity is another thoughtful idea. Basketball tournaments can be effective fund raisers for local charities. Many business men choose to get involved in basketball tournaments, and many local businesses are more than happy to fund such community-building events. If one does decide to go ahead and plan a basketball tournament, then there are certain pieces of equipment a person should buy. For a tournament, cones can be an essential piece of equipment for outlining the parameters of a court. Cones can help outline and break up a large basketball court into smaller ones. Another piece of equipment that is necessary for basketball tournaments is a whistle. Investing in a few whistles is essential for the people who will be serving as referees in a basketball game. Purchasing referee uniforms is also a smart idea, so that players can recognize referees on the court. Of course, one will need to buy a few basketballs for a tournament. If women are participating in a separate division in the tournament, then women-sized basketballs should be purchased for the tournament. Asking department stores about any discounts for charities is a good idea, since a charity tournament director will be able to save a lot of money this way.

In Basketball how do they determine which team takes which side of the court to start the game?

you get the opposite side of your bench first

Who is traditionally the tallest player on the basketball court?

Traditionally the Center position is played by the tallest player.

What is the circle in the center of the basketball court called?

thej are for jump ball´s ,the closest circle is used ;)

Is row 2 or row 9 closer to the basketball court at the Wells Fargo center?

Row 2.