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Assuming the catcher is near home plate, the runner has to slide. If he doesn't and knocks the catcher down he is out. If the catcher is up the baseline and is waiting to make the tag the runner would be called out for crashing into him. If the slide knocks the catcher down, the outcome of the play would depend on whether the catcher maintained control of the ball during the tag and whether the runner touched home plate.

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14y ago
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15y ago

By convention and interpretation, it depends on where the batter is when he is hit with a batted fair ball. If he's still got a foot in the batter's box, it's ruled a foul ball. If he's out of the box, the ball is dead and the batter-runner is out. (The batter's box is partially in fair and partially in foul territory.)

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8y ago

There is no call. Since the runner did not purposely hit the ball, as he was hit by the ball, the play resumes. However, if the runner intentionally hits the ball for whatever reason, he is called out and the play starts over.

^This is only applicable if the ball has passed a fielder other than the pitcher. ^

If the runner is hit with the ball before it passes a fielder other than the pitcher, the runner is out and the ball is dead. All base runners that are forced to advance do so and everyone else remains at the base they started. This means the runner at 1st would get 2nd and the batter would get 1st. The runner at 3rd would remain at third.

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15y ago

Assuming you mean a batted ball? The answer depends on where the runner on third is standing. If the runner is standing in foul territory, it is ruled a foul ball. If the runner is touching third base or leading off in fair territory and the ball hits him, then he is ruled out and the ball is dead. It is recorded as a putout by the third baseman. The batter is awarded first base, and other runners forced to advance will do so, so the runner on first is awarded second base, and the runner on second is awarded third base. If the infield-fly rule is in effect and the ball hits the runner on third, he is safe and the batter is out, provided the runner is touching third base. A runner on third should always lead off in foul territory to avoid these situations which would rule him out.

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12y ago

After play resumes 1. the pitcher calls time out 2. Appeals to the homplate umpire by throwing the ball to the base missed 3. Fielder at base touches the bag 4. Umpire makes ruling; if the batter did fail to touch a base he is then declared out.

A good example of this you might remember when Mark McGwire broke Roger Maris' single season home run record during his celebratory jumping he failed to touch first base stopped returned touched the base before going on to second base. Had he not returned the other team could have appealed and he would have been out.

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8y ago

Well, if by he leaves early you mean steal, and by hit you mean the ball is not caught, this is call a hit and run.


The rule book takes a full page attempting to explain what to do in all possible situations when any runner leaves early before a hit. I will try to simplify it. It's not easy though. There is one loophole in the rule that allows the offense to go unpenalized. If a runner or runners are forced to advance and have left early and the batter gets a "clean" hit. No penalty is imposed. A "clean" hit means it was a single, double or triple in the umpire's judgment. If it was a hit and an error or an advance on the throw, the batter will be sent back to the base that was the scored value and all runners must go back to the bases they originally held or the one nearest the batter. Any time a base becomes available after a hit, runners will be sent back.

Here are some basic keys that help simplify the rule:

1. If one runner is guilty they are all guilty.

2. You move the batter-runner back to where you judge the value of the clean hit. Any advance made by him, beyond his scored hit, is nullified.

3. Place all runners back on their original bases whenever possible. Put them as close as possible to the batter-runner after placing the batter-runner at the base judged to be the clean hit.

4. If any bases become empty due to any runner or the batter-runner being put out, return the runners to those bases.

EXAMPLE: Bases loaded, no outs. Batter hits a "clean" double, and tries for third thinking the throw is going home. The throw is cut-off and they get him out at third. Before the hit a runner left early. Guess what? The batter is out and ALL runners return. Because his out left bases empty, you put all runners back to their original bases. In that same play, if the out on the batter had been the third out, no runs would count due to the fact that they could have been put back if it had not been the third out.

When a runner leaves early he remains guilty even if he returns before or after a hit.

EXAMPLE: A runner on 2nd leaves early, then a fly ball is hit to right field. The runner retouches after the catch and heads for 3rd. The throw gets past F5 and the runner scores. RULING: You put the runner back on second. They love that call too!

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14y ago

It is a dead ball it doesn't matter.

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15y ago

foul ball

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