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The hair style depends on the rank of the sumo. The lowest ranks have no knot. Conmage topknot is for the makushita. The highest ranks wear it in a style known as the ginko leaf.

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Q: What is the bun sumo wrestlers wear caled?
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What is a sumo's bun called?

It is a topknot. The chonmage is the topknot worn for daily ware. The highest ranking Yokozuna wear the gingko leaf.

What is the thing that girls wear on the top of their hair that looks like a hill?

A bun? (Messy bun, Top bun)

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A dress with a bun

What kind of bun do volleyball players wear?

Any type ; they mostly wear a simple messy bun with a strechy head band .

How do hip hop dancers wear their hair?

well, some put it in a ponytail,a messy bun, bun ,or even just let it out. You can wear your hair any how you like to wear it.

Can you wear a pony tail in the air force?

Yes. But they normally have a bun

What can I do with my hair it is shoulder length and the top layer will just about go in a ponytail. I dont just want it down or in a pony. Any Ideas?

You could wear it in a messy bun, half up with the top half in a balerina bun, or curl it and flip it out. You could wear it in a messy bun, half up with the top half in a balerina bun, or curl it and flip it out.

Is bun b a gd?

no !!!!! he say he wear his hat to da left ...... his words

How should you do your hair for field day?

Depending on your hair length- Short: braids or ponytail then braid it Long: pony tail then braid it then put it in a bun, bun(sock bun, messy bun), or just regular braids

What hairstyle should you wear to the beach?

messy, sloppy wet bun with loose bangs

Did Amelia Earhart wear her hair in a bun?

In her later years her hair was always short.

Who should you be for fictional character day?

A dancer. Wear a dance recital dress and old dance shoes and wear your hair in a bun with a bun cover. If you have to be a fictional character from tv you could be a character from chalk zone. You could wear light blue clothing and outline your body in white chalk.