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Due to sponsorships, D-1 teams (pro teams) must use the guns they are given. Popular brands are Dye Matrix, Planet Eclipse (Egos), Bob Longs (Vices), and Smart Parts (Shockers or Luxes).

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Most use the latest dye or planet eclipse models.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

plaint eclipse or geo

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Q: What is the best paintball gun bass pro shop sells?
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Your best bet would be to find a specific paintball shop or field. Canada is known for its field and shop called "The Badlands". They should have everything you need.

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Bass Pro Shop sells boats and they even give you the option to finance them. They have many different options to choose from. If you have a bass pro near by they have a wonderful show room.

How old do you have to be to work at a paintball shop?

Paintball stores usually wont hire anyone under the age of 18.

Where can you find a paintball pawn shop?

Though Paintball markers can be sold to pawn shops and Paintball stores, there are no specific "paintball pawn shops." The link attached is a site where markers can be bought, sold and traded.

Where might someone find paintball guns for sale?

paintball markers (guns) can be purchase at a paintball pro-shop, Wal-Mart/other sports stores or on the internet. Google can be used to find good online stores.,, and are great low cost sites to buy from.

What store can you refill a co2 tank for a paintball gun in Vancouver Wa?

Dicks, any paintball shop, and Gander Mt.

What is the best store to buy a paintball marker from like Dick's Sporting Goods or Walmart or something else?

Quality......Your local Paintball Shop or Field Low price..Walmart Being an x paintball store owner, I can only say that if you want to buy just for occasional recreational use, Walmart will probably be for you.....But, If your getting more serious about the different games and styles, then the local shop is the place.