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Q: What is the average time that a ball is in play in a soccer game that lasts 90 minutes?
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Related questions

What is the average mass of a soccer ball?

The average mass of a soccer ball depends on the size and material of the soccer ball used. The average mass is 0.43 kg.

How big is an average soccer ball?

An average soccer ball would be about a size 5. Hope this helps.

How many touches does an average soccer player get in one game?

a soccer game is 90 minutes, there are 22 players in the field, if you say that a player touches a ball 2/3 of the time, 60/22=almost 3 minutes. This is an estimate, for a striker will have far less ball contacts as a midfielder.

What is the average speed of a soccer ball that travels 34 m in 2 s?

what is the average speed of a soccer ball that travels 34 m in 2 s

What is the average time that a ball is in play in a football game that lasts 60 minutes?

An average NFL football game has about 12 minutes of actual play time. It probably varies a little for college or high school games.

What is the record for the ball not going out of bounds in a soccer game?

23 minutes

How many minutes does a player touch the ball in soccer?

di playa touch di ball for 90 min.

Why isn't soccer called soccer ball?

It isn't called soccer ball because the soccer ball is the ball you use in soccer. See? I have actually heard people call it soccer and soccer ball.

How many minutes does a player have the ball at their feet during a soccer game?

about 2-3 minutes, but it seems as if it were more though.

Is Earth the same size as a soccer ball?

No, Earth is bigger than a soccer ball. The analogy you may have seen is that if Earth were the size of a soccer ball, the Moon would be the size of a tennis ball, and would orbit the Earth at an average distance of 22 feet away.

How long is a foot ball match?

a game lasts 90 minutes then depending on injuries or substitutes added time which is usual 1-4 minutes.

What is the duration of a net ball match?

A netball game usually lasts an hour. 15 minutes per quater! :)