It depends on the weight class, different weight classes have different size people so the reaches vary from weight class to weight class.
Audley Harrison - 86"
Depends on the fighters height and division. If someones reach is longer than their height, it is considered to be long. A 67" reach might be good in featherweight boxing or lightweight MMA, but most guys in divisions like heavyweight or light heavyweight have a 70"-85" reach
16 years
A punch bag for boxing on average sells for about 79 - 1,235 dollars depending on the brand you select. Amazon, Ebay, and Sports Direct are all good places to buy punching bags from.
The average reach is approx. the height of the boxer. Example, if a boxer is 6 feet tall, which is 72", then average reach would be 72".
It varies each year, but on average consumers in the United States spend billions of dollars on Boxing Day deals and shopping.
An Average boxing promoter / event coordinator salary per event can range from no less than $15,000.00 for a small scale event to millions of dollars depending how large and amount of seating and if you have a television / ppv deal.
The disadvantage of being shorter as a boxer , is that you wiil automatically have a shorter reach then the other boxer.
The area where a boxing fight is held is called a boxing ring.
there isn't boxing there is rythm boxing. there is boxing on wii sports though
in Olympic boxing you were a head guard in professional boxing you dont