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Minotauro was hit by a truck at the age of ten and was in a coma for four days. Lost part of his liver and a rib from this.

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Q: What is that scar on big nog's back?
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How do you get rid of a big scar on your eyebrow with surgery?

laser scar removal surgery

Can a scar be removed?

depends how big it is

Will you get a big scar from a scoliosis surgery?

Yes but the scar will slowly go away a tiny bit, but you will still be able to see the scar.

What actors and actresses appeared in Big Black Scar - 2011?

The cast of Big Black Scar - 2011 includes: Burcham Erwin as Man and Convict

What can not be sent to Brazil?

Drugs and guns......and nig nogs.

Will hair grow back around a scar?

It usually does grow back around a scar, however hair seldom if ever grows back on (or in) the scar itself. If however you are concerned and wish for hair growth Ina scar, you can always try a product like Rogaine or seek help from a Dermatologist.

Did Sylvester Stallone sew up his own arm in first blood?

I was a big fan back then, and that was what I heard. You can see the scar on his arm in Rocky 3.

Where did Abraham Lincoln get the scar over his right eye?

he got the scar by getting a beat down by big show.

What was Simba's brother's name?

Mufasa's brother is Scar. At the beginning of The lion king Scar is visited by Mufasa and Scar says to him "Why if it isn't my big brother".

When Harry Potter comes back to life in hp7 does he have a scar?

Yes, when Harry comes back to life (although he wasn't dead - he was just in an 'in between'), he still has his scar. The part of Voldemort within him was gone, but that part wasn't his scar, per say. Voldemort just used the scar to channel himself in Harry. Once Harry comes back to life, then, the scar is basically useless, but it's still there.

What gave Bluestar the scar on her back?

Bluestar received the scar on her back during a battle with a pack of dogs that invaded ThunderClan territory. She fought bravely to protect her Clanmates, ultimately suffering the injury that left her with a permanent scar.

How big is tom kaulitz's scar?

maybe 2-3 centimetres , it`s not very big