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I'd have to go with outdoor: no air conditioning outdoors, it can make you sweat a lot more(assuming it's hot)+when you hit the ground in outdoor, you would probably get dirt stains, and/or grass stains(guess that only affects the difficulty of washing), and it is probably harder ground surface. But I could be wrong on some of this stuff, or all of it for that matter, just so you're aware. Soccer is awesome, indoor or outdoors,you should be aware of too! Hope I helped! Sorry if I didn't!

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14y ago
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15y ago

USUALLY there is more on an outdoor team, because they have to have 11 players on the field at once, and in a indoor team, only 5 are on the field

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15y ago

If you mean 5 a side then yes. Generally five a side is a lot more fun, but quite exhausting. You can be a lot more creative, but the goal is a lot smaller, so slightly harder to score.

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9y ago

Indoor football develops a players skills, ball retention and their ability to work is small spaces; as an indoor field is much smaller than an outdoor field.

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