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No such thing as supersonic sound. Things can move with supersonic speed (fighter jets, ends of whips) making a shock wave, but the sound arrives at your ears at the speed of sound.

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What is a supersonic sound?

Supersonic means a velocity greater than that of sound. So a sound cannot be supersonic. Supersonic sound is also a musical group from Germany that plays various styles of music.

What is supersonic sound?

It is an oxymoron, a self-contradiction, in that sound must travel at the speed of sound (which does vary by the medium or material). Supersonic means "faster than sound."You might, however, describe vibrations as being supersonic, meaning that they are traveling faster than sound would in air.

Is supersonic the same as the speed of sound?

Supersonic means "Faster than the speed of sound" so they are not the sme thing.

What is a supersonic bullet?

A supersonic bullet is a bullet that is faster than the speed of sound.

What is supersonic sound waves?

That's a sonic boom. Sound waves are never supersonic in themselves, objects can be supersonic ... which causes a pressure wave (which moves at "sonic" speeds) and which can be heard (firing a gun will do it).

What are supersonic waves?

Supersonic waves are waves that can travel faster than normal sound waves.

What is the supersonic of percussion for example?

The answer is "anagram" as "percussion" is an anagram of the word "supersonic"

What is supersonic and hypersonic?

Supersonic and hypersonic are speeds. Supersonic means faster than the speed of sound, and hypersonic means very much faster.

What's difference between subsonic and supersonic?

Subsonic is below or slower than the speed of sound, and supersonic is above or faster than the speed of sound.

What is one supersonic aircraft?

One supersonic aircraft is the F-15 Eagle. -Supersonic means it can fly faster than Mach 1, the speed of sound. Most fighter jets today are supersonic, in fact many fly more than twice the speed of sound.

When an airplane exceeds the speed of sound it is called?


What travels faster than a sound?

Supersonic aircraft.