a tag up is when the batter hits a pop-fly and the runner(s) on base must go back to the base touch it and then can continue to run. If they do not tag up they can be called out if they dont run back to the base.
tagging up means to stay on the base when it is a fly ball so if it is caught you don't get out by not being on the base if it is thrown to the base you were just on. This is also used so if a ball is or is caught after you sprint really really fast and probably slide (except if your the batter as you run any way) ad opefully don't get out. (trust me i play softball) hope this answers you question!
i don't know but i do know how to play get a team head or tail who wins you pick what you want kick or field if you pick kick you make a order and kick the ball smeller too Baseball but you have to kick the ball if you get three out the other team kicks
Let's say you are on 3rd base. And the batter who is batting for your team hits the ball to the outfield. It is caught by the outfielder. But if your foot was on the bag when the ball hit the mit, you can run home. You risk getting thrown out, but you can give your team a point and your teammate an RBI. This can also be don from 1st to 2nd base, and 2nd to 3rd base.
The word 'softball' is a common, compound, singular noun. The word 'game' is a common, singular noun.The term 'softball game' can be considered a noun phrase(any word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun, without a verb) or an open spaced compound noun (the noun softball and the noun game joined to form a word with a meaning of its own).
Softball is both a game (a game of softball) and a sport (the popular sport of softball.
There is no physical, logical explanation of the real game of softball, that's why we have this game of softball.
No, the term 'softball game' is not capitalized.
The first softball game was played on Thanksgiving Day in 1887. They players played inside of a gym at Farragut Boat club, located in Chicago, IL. The believed inventor of softball is George Hancock.
She did participate in the celebrity softball game.
play duck duck goose
Baseball is not called softball. The game of softball is called softball because the ball used is softer than a baseball.
The visiting team bats first in a softball game.
Three strikes equal one out in a regular softball game.