

What is a Stevens dread naught worth?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: What is a Stevens dread naught worth?
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Because a retailer wanted that name on the guns sold in his store or chain. Stevens is probably second only to Crescent in the number of different trade names produce by a US firearms manufacturer.

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Naught is a noun substantive, used as a pronoun. The corresponding adjective is "naughty" meaning worth nothing. Ergo, the adverb is "naughtily".

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Division by naught (Zero) is undefined.

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It means that it was all for nothing. Naught means nothing.

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Sigma naught = 1 / (mu naught * c^2)

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Naught is a noun.

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Their efforts came to naught when they lost the papers. Naught means nothing or zero.

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0 + 0 - 0 x 728 = 0

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