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Then the ball would be out of bounds on the passer and the passer would receive a turn over.

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Q: What if the inbounds pass is deflected back to the passer who is still out of bounds?
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If you in bound can you catch a football out of bound?

No. *Yes. If no part of the player is out of bounds, they can catch a ball whether it has crossed the plane of line or not. The same applies for running: the ball can be in the air out of bounds, but if the player is still fully inbounds there is no problem.

If Player A passes the ball to player B - who is out of bounds on an inbounds play does player b still have the runn of the baseline?

yes the inbounder is legally being changed he may still run the baseline

When inbounding the basketball can it hit the ref and be considered in play?

A player can not touch the ball while they are out of bounds they can jump and touch hit it back inbounds. If the balls bounces or touches any where out of bounds then last person who touches, doesn't get the ball and it goes to the other team.

Can a football be deflected off the goal post from a pass and be caught?

no the goal posts are out of bounds and the pass is dead when it strikes the post. A kick which could score points is the exception. Should that kick hit the post it could bound over the crossbar and still score.

If you are trying to save the ball from going out of bounds and you throw the ball off of an opponent when he is out of bounds whose ball is it?

If the opponent has established position out of bounds (at least one foot on the floor) then the ball would still be yours. If the opponent is in the air and has not established position out of bounds the ball is still live.

IN football One knee in bounds equal two feet?

The answer is yes. There is a book written by John Madden entitled "one Knee equals two feet (and everything else you need to know about football)" that deals with this subject in depth. The book was published in 1986 but can still be found on or ebay. The NFL rules article 3 states "A forward pass is complete (by the offense) or intercepted (by the defense) if a player, who is inbounds: (a) secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and (b) touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands.

Out of bounds pass in football?

In American Football, if a player has one foot out of bounds when he catches the football, he is out of bounds. If he has is in bounds when he catches the football then he caught it and it is a completed catch. If the player goes out of bounds and comes back in bounds and catches the football it is still an incomplete pass. However, if he was knocked out of bounds or if the ball was tipped, it may be a completed pass. The rules keep changing at all levels of the game.

When a player steps on the out of bounds line and is then bumped out by a defender what is the call?

When a player steps on the out of bounds line, the ball is out of bounds and the opposing team will get possession. It doesn't matter if a defender commits a foul afterwards, the ball was out of bounds first, so this is the call.

In NFL if player is in bounds but the ball is out of bounds is it still a 1st down?

If the player fails to cross the ball where ever the marker is before he physically steps out of bounds then it is not a first down. Although I'm not certain, I think the ball has to cross the marker in bounds as well.

When playing basketball if the ball is passed and goes out of bounds but is caught live ball by opposite team who is it out on?

in order for a ball in basketball to be considered to be out of bounds the ball MUST touch/hit the ground out bounds ... if the ball does not touch/hit out of bounds the ball is still live a play can go out of bounds to throw/pass the ball back in bounds so long as the player that is going for the ball bounds feet are in the air when he makes contact with the ball ...

When can a basketball player not move along the baseline on an inbounds pass?

You can only move after a made basket. Any other time, the inbounder has to stay still.

If a basketball player is out of bounce can he touch the ball when it is still in?

yes, but the ball will be out of bounds