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Q: What golf course is in the harder the course the more rewarding the triumph motivational poster?
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Why would a company need a corporate motivational speaker?

A company might need a motivational speaker if there are problems and tension between workers or if sales figures are down and they want to inspire workers to try harder.

What author wrote the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph?

Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

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"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

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A chef's assistant position is harder and more challenging because of the standards that are required to be maintained at all times.

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Threaten them with the sack. Constantly remind your staff, that they wouldn't be in such a poor occupation, had they not have tried harder at school - use this memory as a motivational tool, to get your staff to work harder, meet deadlines and ultimately get results. Be ruthless.

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Why wouldn't the Jonas Brothers work harder? Of course the Jonas Brothers!

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It is a clever response to the idea of luck. He was saying the harder he worked the more rewarding his accomplishments were. In a sense, he was saying he made his own luck.

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harder but more rewarding way.... 1 stock cube (depends what meat it is to which kind of cube) some cornflour meat juices from the meat pinch of salt. Less rewarding but easier way.... Stock cube (oxo or bisto!) and add water Easy.

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Of Course!!Everything is harder 4 women...but they handle it so much better then the men!! Sucked in!!Of Course!!Everything is harder 4 women...but they handle it so much better then the men!! Sucked in!!

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They are the same thing. ----------------------- Depends on the course.