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You will carry their bag for the round of Golf.

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Q: What does it mean if someone wants you too caddy for them?
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Can you collect child support when he has legal custody but they spend more time with you?

You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options. It seems that you are being taken advantage of by someone who wants to "have their cake and eat it too".You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options. It seems that you are being taken advantage of by someone who wants to "have their cake and eat it too".You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options. It seems that you are being taken advantage of by someone who wants to "have their cake and eat it too".You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options. It seems that you are being taken advantage of by someone who wants to "have their cake and eat it too".

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It sounds like she either has a boyfriend that she is devoted too, or, she likes someone else and wants to devote her time in hopes of dating him. Sorry.

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Holding someone by the waist can be a sign of affection, protection, or intimacy. It can indicate that the person feels connected to you and wants to be close to you physically.

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