

Best Answer

sounds like you have anemia, try eating foods gigh in iron, and taking iron supplements

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Q: What does it mean if i eat very good and can't get enough energy to lift weights and also bruise very easy?
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Discuss the production and dissipation of mechanical energy in a lifting weight holding up lowering the weight slowly?

1: Humans intake chemical energy in the form of food 2. when blood flows in to the tissues, energy and heat is released in tissues. 3. when lifting weights, this energy is used to perform work(lifting weights) and some amount is also lost as heat. 4.When weights are lifted, the energy is stored as potential energy. 5.when weights are lowered, muscles do work against gravity..this energy is used to increase the temp of muscles, part of it results in muscle wear.

Is bruise a common noun or action word?

The word bruise is a common noun, a singular, concrete noun; for example:I can wear long pants to cover the bruise on my shin.The word bruise is also an 'action word', a verb for an act; for example:I bruise my arm on the door frame whenever I try to walk in my bifocals.

Can you get a bruise on your leg after you've gotten a hickey on your neck?

No, unless the cause of the hickey (probably someone sucking on your neck) also occurred at the area in which you have the leg bruise. The bruise on your leg could be caused by a number of things, a lot of people don't even realize where they got a bruise, or how they got it.

Do all magic mushrooms bruise blue?

Almost all psilocybin containing mushrooms bruise blue (the bluing is the oxidization of psilocin). That being said there are other non psilocybin active mushrooms that also bruise blue.

If a patients weights 45.45 kilograms he also weights pounds?

45.45kg = 100.2lb

What is a tissue contusion?

It is a bruise.Just a fancy word for bruise

Can you bruise the bottom of your foot?

It depends what you mean. If you mean just a normal bruise like on your arms or legs, then it is quite possible to bruise your foot, especially if you twist it or hit it on something. You can also bruise bones in your foot.

What is the medical Term for a bruise on the brain?

A bruise to the brain is also called a brain contusion, and usually accompanies a concussion.

Is bruised a noun?

No, the word 'bruised' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to bruise. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.Examples:The girl was crying because she had bruised her knee on a rock. (verb)The bruised apples were in a box for half price. (adjective)The word 'bruise' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'bruise' is a word for a mark that develops from something hitting flesh.

Is bruise an abstract noun?

No, the noun 'bruise' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical injury or physical damage.An abstract noun is a word for something that can't be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.The word 'bruise' is also a verb: bruise, bruises, bruising, bruised.

How can cheap weights assist in training?

Cheap weights can assist in training by lowering your expenses on your own personal training equipment. Cheap weights also function the same as more expensive weights.

What are symptoms of an bruise?

it may appear as a bruise beneath the skin or may appear only on imaging tests; an internal wound may also generate symptoms such as weakness, perspiration, and pain