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the sort of physical movements that take place are stop and start. the jumping in areas, that are unexpected, and the dodging are the movements that centers, usually play with/do.

resource: i play netball and am a center.

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In a Netball game center starts of with the ball in the circle and then is allowed to run the whole court except for both of the goal circles

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Q: What joint movement are used in netball?
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This type of joint allows side to side movement and up and down movement?

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The medial roataion is the movement of Glenohumeral joint .

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Three types of movement produced by movable joints are angular movement, rotational movement, and gliding movement. An example of an angular movement is the hinge joint in your arm. Rotational movement can be produced by a pivot joint in your elbow. Also, you can produce a gliding movement with the joints in your back bone.

What is a joint that permits limited movement?

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Which pipes in you home are connected by a swivel joint?

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What skill involves movement of a hinge joint?

Kicking or throwing a ball involves movement of a hinge joint.