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Q: What does better the fox to guard the hens and the wolf to guard the sheep mean?
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What does better the fox to guard the hens and the wolves guard the sheep mean?

Well, a fox eats hens, right?So then a wolf eats sheep.Well, if they were to guard the object which they do not eat, they would cause that thing more pain by trying to eat it.So if a fox guards a hen, it is going to have a quick death. AS would the sheep if a wolf were to guard it.

What does better the fox to guard the hens and wolves to guard the sheep mean?

This phrase means that it is not wise to have someone with ill intentions or conflicting interests protect something vulnerable. A fox, known for being cunning and sly, would not be trustworthy to guard hens or prey on them. Similarly, wolves, natural predators of sheep, would not be suitable to protect them.

How long can you leave a astralian Shepherd alone for?

Do you mean an Australian shepard? If so, never leave an Australian Shepard alone with sheep. Australians cannot be trusted with sheep. If you mean a German Shepard? then this is a dog, and if properly trained can be left with a flock of sheep permanently to guard them from foxes, wolves etc. Maybe you mean an Austrian shepard? Google will help you there.

What are straight hens?

I assume you mean "straight run" chicks witch refers to un-sexed, they are not hens they could be rooster or hens.

Can hens be mean?

No, hens can't be mean. Though they could peck you when you touch them while their laying their egg, but it's not there fault, there only trying to protect their egg. Hens are actually great pets :)

Is rooster laying egg?

Do you mean, can a rooster lay an egg? The answer is no. Only hens can lay an egg. Do you mean, will a rooster incubate an egg till it hatches? The answer is no, only hens incubate the eggs. Occasionally a rooster that doesn't know any better will sleep in the nestbox but he is not there to incubate and could actually break and eat the egg instead. Do you mean, will a rooster chick hatch out of an egg? Yes, both roosters and hens come from eggs.

Can you feed hens meet?

If you mean meat, then no.

What does brude mean?

Brood means to worry. It originally referred to the behaviour of hens sitting on hens to make them hatch. The behaviour of the hens at this time became "broody"--worried.

What does hühner mean in German?

Hühner = chickens, hens

What does female sheep mean?

Sheep are animals, they come as males and females. So a female sheep is a sheep that is female.

What does court guard mean?

A court guard is a person who is a guard in court

What does the word ewe mean?

An ewe is a female sheep