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Q: What does a bulls-eye rash from a tick bite look like?
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The brown recluse spider bite can look like this. Do not delay going to see a doctor for treatment. Many times, a red ring around a bite (called a bullseye ring by doctors) is an indication of lyme disease as the reult of an infected tick.

Can you have lyme disease without a fever?

Yes, but it's rare. There's a huge chance that a bullseye shaped rash will be present at the bite.

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itchy sensation that forms a bump under the skin and then comes out like a bug bite

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Itchy rash blisters and rash 4 weeks after spider bite?

yea, its probably from the spider bite

How does dengue mosquito bite looks like?

Assuming you are not overly allergic to mosquitoes or insect bites, a normal bite will look like a red or white bump with some redness surrounding it. A bite from a mosquito carrying dengue will appear larger, redder, and be itchier. It may turn a purplish color and spread a small rash as well.

What is a darkened spot cirlced in red looks like a bite but with no bite mark or rash but it is not itchy?

There called Hives. You don't ich, it's not a bite, and it ain't a rash , it's Hives. Your alergic to something. If your NOT alergic to something as if you say, you just discovered a new alergy. Not unless your alergic to spring air or grass like me.

Can a spider bite cause a rash?


Does Spirillary rat-bite fever cause a rash?

Although rash is less common than with streptobacillary rat-bite fever, there may be a lightly rosy, itchy rash all over the body

What would a skin rash look like if you had a sensitivity to a chemical in a pool?

It may look like hives. A red rash with tiny bumps that may or may not be itchy.

What does creatine mono-hydrate skin rash look like?

rash spots all over the body.

What are the red circular itchy spots on your skin?

If the circles are like a mosquito bite, it might be ringworm. If it's like a rash, then it might be an irritation